Office Drinks is an evening networking event run by small businesses for other small local businesses to meet each other and potentially do business. The format and feel of our events are designed to be informal and give the feel of the ‘office drinks’ after work that employees go on when working for larger companies. It’s friendly, fun and informal. You’ll find the atmosphere both conducive to doing business, building relationships and to having a good night out.
Our unique format allows everyone in the room to meet each other through a series of group chats. The evening is structured to ensure that everyone meets everyone else by the end of the evening for these group chats. Half way through the evening we throw in a pub quiz to liven things up and help get more of a social feel. You don’t need to figure out how to work the room, it’s all done for you.
There’s no membership fee as we believe you’ll come to our networking events because you want to and not because you’re obliged to by a long term membership/commitment.
The feedback from our events has been fantastic and there is a LOT of business done between our attendees (aka Office Drinkers) after meeting at our events. We believe that this is because the informal nature and structure of our evenings means everyone is more relaxed and open and this enables them to get their business message across with ease.
Our events are specifically limited to 25 Office Drinkers as we believe this is the maximum amount of people you can conceivably meet at a networking event to find out what their businesses are about and how you might potentially work together.
There are purposely no speakers at our events as we want all our Office Drinkers to have enough time to meet everyone else and gain an understanding of what they are all about.
You must pre-book as then we can get you on the delegates list on the night and to ensure that we don’t over subscribe for the event as tickets are limited to 25.
Here’s a breakdown of how our events are structured:
- Book your place online via the BOOK NOW button
- Arrive at the venue 6.15/6.30pm and take a delegates list and your moves card
- You’ll notice there are 5 tables set up numbered 1 to 5, open network until a short introduction from the host
- Your moves card has a sequence of moves on it with the numbers 1 to 5 in a pre-determined order
- Go to the first table number on your moves card
- Chat with the other 4 businesses on that table for around 12-15 minutes
- Move to the next table number on your ticket
- Part way through there is a short pub quiz
- Enjoy the evening and by the end you will have sat at a table with every other person attending and yet never with the same person twice.

I was really impressed when I visited Office Drinks in London. In my line of work I visit lots of networking events but none have been as effective as this one.
You get a real opportunity to meet and discuss business with an interesting array of people and I’ve already met with a number of them since. If you want to spread the word about your business I can see no better way than to pop along to Office Drinks!

Attending Office Drinks has really helped to raise the profile of my marketing and communications agency – Propono PR. From my first event I managed to secure new business from a fellow networker, and I have been building a strong network of contacts ever since these events.
Moreover, Office Drinks evenings are really good fun, as well as being a solid networking opportunity, which means that new people are always joining in.

Thanks for organizing a fun evening. And I picked up a few good contacts too.
Just the right mix of good networking plus fun.
I don’t know how much effort it takes you to get these things organised but you seem to getting it right.
Looking forward to the next one.